Monday, November 15, 2010

Sadie Hawkins Miette McFly

Sadie (meaning): Princess
Hawkins: In honor of Relient K's "Sadie Hawkins" song.
Miette (meaning): Little one/pearl
McFly: In honor of the movie "Back To The Future"

Since she was the runt of her litter, originally I was going to name her simply Sadie Miette ("Little Princess"), but pop culture was so influential, I had to throw in the "Hawkins" and the "McFly". That's the story behind the choosing of the name. (Who knew that??)

Sadie was puppy to Amber, the Golden Retriever my family got my mom one Mother's Day. When Amber had to be put down just over a year or two ago (because of a tumor), it kind of felt like Amber's legacy lived on through Sadie.

Sounds a bit silly talking about "legacy", when referring to a dog, I know. It is. But on the same note if you've never owned a good dog than I don't expect you to relate to the experience. And that's Ok. :)
Sadie was put down over this past weekend, due to multiple health reasons. However no matter how many "health reasons" she was suffering through at the end, multiply that by about a billion and that's how good of a dog she was.

She was EXTREMELY goofy, scared of things like laundry hampers, trash cans, and so much more (regardless of her acting "tough"). I sometimes called her "Sweet Sadie", because that was pretty much her personality.

She was "legally" my dog, but when I moved out in 2005, one of my mom's first statements to me - in love of course - was "You can't take Sadie..." From then on she was my mom's/my dad's dog. :) (my dad will say more the latter than anything else).

This is not meant to be sad or "serious". Simply since I have a blog, I have the time, and we had a good dog, I thought I'd just make a little eulogy. If you have your own family dog or family pet, take some time after reading this to give it a treat, a tap on the head, or some sort of pet-owner-love. :)

Pet dogs are such a unique creation by God. "Man's best friend" :)

Proverbs 12:10
"The righteous care for the needs of their animals..."

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!!! I didn't know that Sadie was put down! I'm so sorry! She was SUCH an awesome dog! We will miss her!
