Thursday, September 20, 2012

PADTS 2012 Outreach

Ready...get set...GO!

So last time you heard from us it was about fundraising for outreach...then there was a long pause, because WE WERE ON OUTREACH.  Which means...all the money came in!

...and that we CLEARED our bank accounts and bank cards and change purses.  No joke.  I literally paid our outreach fees with 1 check, 1 debit card, 2 credit cards, and cash.

For a split second there it looked like we were the only one's going on outreach with our students.  ..but our staff Ben and Amy (married) were able and the only staff that joined outreach with us and our 21 students! WE ARE CRAZY.

Let me explain our cup of crazy to you...
This is not normal for a DTS, especially for PADTS. First off in DTS School Leaders typically don't go the entire outreach, but only do a 1 week-1month visit.  Also in PADTS we typically aim to have 10 staff + school leaders for the whole school.  It was a special case this year because of Maria Jackson and a team going to start another PADTS in Amsterdam, to help out the base there.

Needless to say our plates were a bit full with booking locations to sleep, travel, organizing ministry opportunities, maintaining team unity, rehearsals, and continuing to disciple our students while all of our students were putting into practice (through evangelism) what they had been learning during the lecture phase.  But GOD GAVE US SO MUCH GRACE!

Andreas and I sharing about the school at the premiere night.

Before we left for outreach our school had a premiere of our variety show that we would be taking on outreach with us - which we called: Out of the Box.

Out of the Box consisted of 3 group dances, 4-7 vocal ensembles (the number because we added on outreach), and 21 solo testimony pieces.

Each student turned a part of their testimony into an artistic piece. I would literally LOVE to share each and every one with you, but here's just a few examples of our students Testimony Pieces:

Tabea (Switzerland) processed through her times of shame being redeemed by God's forgiveness and unfailing love, and used her ukelele and wrote a song to share this Love and forgiveness of Jesus to others.

Carl (USA) processed through his struggle of growing up feeling like he was different from other guys because he loved the arts and creativity, his search for what "manliness" is and then realizing it is God who gives identity through His Love.  He made a dramatic-monologue and performed it for multiple audiences.

Tron (Philippines) choreographed a dance about the struggles of life and looking for ways to fill his life, but realizing his only true home is Jesus and that Coming Home to Jesus is the best home.

These were testimonies taken and shown to 100's and 100's of people on outreach across the UK.  Their testimonies were not only used as:
- intercession & prophetically performed: as a prayer for anyone else who was/is struggling with similar things they struggled with.
- spiritual warfare: to push back any spiritual heaviness that is not from God.  Any way people in the audience were struggling with shame, fear, anger, etc. that we could bring LIGHT and SALT through proclaiming truth through art and therefore inviting God's freedom, love, and joy to be present.
- ice breaker: when they would perform their pieces it opened up doors for people to come talk to them who identified with what they were sharing.

We danced, sang, and brought the drama - in Jesus name (haha) - from Ealing, London (3 weeks), Harpenden (1 week), Central London (1.5 weeks), and Edinburgh, Scotland (3 weeks)

Introducing the team at a church in Ealing.  After the team performed,
the pastor asked us to invite people forward to receive prayer from our team.
Andreas and I kept busy facilitating the team, so we didn't do any performing for this trip.  Which was somewhat sad, but it was also good to focus on and grow in other areas.

Andreia dancing her heart out.
 Oh, look there's me. Left side of picture in black.

Our amazing, dancing staff Crystal Shearer (who didn't go on outreach because of help that was needed on the campus) - choreographed a group dance called: This Moment (aka: Real Simple, Real Fast).  It is choreographed with deep meaning about how God is present and will give us signs/speak to us, that we need to slow down from our own-agenda's and hectic lives and find the peace and fulfillment that only he can provide.

One day while performing this piece on the streets, Andreas was talking to a homeless man, who turned to Andreas and said "I get it."  The man went on to explain exactly what the dance is about.  Andreas continued to dialogue with him, but it was amazing to hear how God opened a door and spoke to this man through the dance.

Andreas stepping up as a leader...
public speaking

praying over the team

And keepin' it real.

One of my personal highlights was probably joining Project Dance AGAIN, but this time in London.  As you may remember, last year (2011) Andreas and I first connected with Project Dance in New York. (Although I think the first time I heard of Project Dance was in 2006?  When an email came across my desk here at UofN).  This year I was able to join Project Dance with all the dancers from our team!  (Andreas stayed with the other half of our team). I was like a kid in a candy shop during the weekend of the event when I took the classes they provide.  It was nice to reconnect with Cheryl Cutlip and other dancers that I met in NYC like Mary Marshall (who choreographed a group number I was in for Broadway Blessing 2010).  What a blessing!
Me and the dancers from our team in front of the Tower Bridge where Project Dance London had the outdoor show.
God was so good to our team and we saw a lot happen.  Written here are just a few personal notes from the time, but PLEASE go to the TEAM BLOG: for a ton more photos and testimonies of things that happened!  You won't want to miss the stories and pics posted there!

Regardless of the long days - full of amazing things, but never the less...FULL.  With usually about 6 hours of sleep a night, which was the only time we weren't ON and GOING.  We were FILLED up to the brim with God's grace, and I am so grateful for his faithfulness to us - personally, as leaders, and to our entire team.

Thank you for all your support to us. Sending us money, praying for us, and waiting patiently as we reboot and begin updates again!  As for our next step...

IT IS HOUSTON, TEXAS.  More to come...stay tuned...

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Until then here's some fun photos of the Tolås's from outreach.
All tours were booked, but we tried!

yes I probably look like a little kid, because I am so
excited to watch Billy Elliot!

Pool party/bbq on outreach!?  I promise it only happened
once.  With the local church community. 

There's my Korean twin sister! :)  The
HeartBridge teams met together half way
through outreach, it was great!

Both teams sharing together!

Andreas attached to his cell phone. ^

Andreas introducing a student for a testimony...

Tammy introducing a student for their testimony...

We are goofballs...and yes we do know it.

Come into our office, the door step at the church
next to Westiminster.
Us? Homeless? What would give you that idea? Homeless? What would give you that idea?
We enjoy walking miles with a suitcase, it's the new workout craze.
Yes, he would do that.

I didn't know I designed a line of clothing!?
This was at the start...
At the top of Arthur's Seat with Ben and Andreas.

I was just about to fly
See that blue dot?  It's Andreas!
Crazy, random rain and wind storm when we got to the top of Arthur's Seat!  That is me barricading myself underneath my cheap pancho and my already-nearly broken umbrella. I was laughing so hard!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

As Promised

As promised: 
As promised in my blog last blog, I sent out an email with this info, but I wanted to now offer this info on the blog.  Here is a follow up about Andreas and my personal financial need for the upcoming outreach to England & Scotland.

We need: $4,200.  Due by June 20th.  That is all going towards ground fees/travel, nothing for our personal spending. 

For donations:(our donor account #5140)

I can send you an email with 2 attached documents about donation options (just let me know)
#1 Document. Tolaas Donation Options (you can find donation snail-mail address here)
Document #2. (that I would email you) is a sheet for people who choose by snail-mail option.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Awesome Team

Andreas and I are working with an awesome team of staff!
(From Canada and S. Korea)

22 students - who are very passionate and diverse!
(Phillippines, USA, Egypt, Switzerland, S. Korea, Mexico, Marshal Islands, Brazil, Canada, Chile/Argentina)

Weekly guest speakers from: University of the Nations (International & Cambodia),  International House of Prayer, Broadway, Hollywood, Tacoma Team Ministry, Voice for the Voiceless, the list goes on and on.  

These speakers come to our school and share in depth about their topics & skill. 

After 5 weeks of working together on a production, we decided to cut everything and release everyone to create to their hearts content....
....This is a bit crazy, but the process is being over seen by us and our awesome staff.  (we are aiming to be radical like Gideon!)  

We are practicing and working hard on a variety show!  From various dances... a variety of vocal ensemble & music pieces.  
(we have an amazing opera singer who has her Ph.D. in music working with our singers. A true blessing and honor!)

 Our team is fundraising & praying for financial provision for our "tour" to London, England & Edinburgh, Scotland!  We will spend from end of June-end of August in Europe.  Very ROUGH numbers here, but as a WHOLE team we are needing roughly $125,000.  Already half of that has been paid!!! 

As for the EXACT amount Andreas and I are still needing for the trip & over the next 4 months.  I can email you with updates on that very soon.

- - - <3 sharing from the heart <3 - - -

We love you guys back in NYC (BDC, Church!, Atmosphere/PD, Brooklyn)!
All of our cozy family and friends in Haugesund! We are thinking of you often and all the delicious cakes! ;)
Our wonderful family and friends in VA who have been with me through this Performing Arts ministry adventure since 1989!  what?!  Thanks for cheering me on continuously.
Everyone who we have met along the journey of being in Kona and traveling the world. ;)  
Thanks for keeping up with us on the blog and via fb, and on all the other communication mediums we have these days.  We especially appreciate those of you who have been faithfully standing beside us financially and prayerfully.  

This has been a very different season from NYC and dancing 20+ hours a week.  It has been hectic at times and not always the easiest season, but -WOW- how much I have been challenged to grow in mind, heart, attitude, and SPIRIT!  It has been a season of laying down "rights", and picking up ... not to be cliche ... but honestly, picking up the cross and loving God deeper through that.  We are serving other artists and people, to give them space to create and figure out who they are called to be.  Our students and staff have been such a joy, even when circumstances get tough...these people are awesome!  Wish you could meet them yourselves. Much LOVE.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Multiplication and Lokahi

This blog has coincidentally turned into a bi-monthly update. So for January & February

Andreas and I are leading the PADTS here in Kona starting April (Staff training starts this month in March). We have already accepted 20 students from over 10 different nations!

As of now we are still accepted students for April 2012 PADTS more info go to:

January we continued staff training with HeartBridge and the team that traveled from Kona to Amsterdam to pioneer a PADTS.

We did fundraisers to send the team to Amsterdam: like car washes.

Watch the video of our dance piece that we performed at the Talent Show:

The Amsterdam team packed their luggage and flew off to Amsterdam. We'll meet up with them in Europe as both their outreach and our Kona PADTS outreach will be in the same locations.

Here's me in what feels like my permanent living accommodations.
The dance studio = shows, productions, etc.
The computer = communication, emails, students, staff, etc.

Once the Amsterdam team was off, it was IMMEDIATELY into rehearsals to prepare for a BIG show on March 1st! Lots of rehearsal for: korean fan dance, ballet w/a world class opera singer and musicians, flamenco dance, breakdance/hiphop/contemporary dance, School of Illustration, Film Department with GVS, and Island Breeze did tahitian dance! Performances were done by various dancers and artists from the campus. All to kickstart/announce the NEW arts/media building project that is happening over the next 2 years.

HeartBridge on stage representing with a Breakdance / HipHop / Contemporary dance. School of Illustration on the side painting. Film Department filming the event (as well as working media backdrops), and the crowd was literally overflowing as people packed inside and outside the Ohana Court venue to watch the show.

Watch the interviews from the various artists that performed the night of and to see the animated walkthrough of the new buildings going up!
Watch live streaming video from ywamkona at

Saturday, January 7, 2012

We Need Support

YWAM Staff Support - Tammy Tolaas
Happy New Year!

New Year, New Resolutions?

This is a bit out of Andreas and my comfort zone but here it goes...

First of all, I would like to say you are getting this because Andreas and I have been blessed by your support through either prayer, financially, encouraging words, or all the above! We are grateful for the support you have shown us.

No sugar coating, just simply we want to extend this offer to you.

Will you make a new commitment with this new year to support our ministry with at least $10 a month.

You can buy a pizza, or give support to ministry.
You can buy two drinks at Starbucks, or give support to ministry.
You can buy a movie ticket, or give support to ministry.

Should you still do those other things...SURE! :) Maybe I'm being politically incorrect by being so direct but my heart is not to offend - I am asking you to sacrifice once a month to help us. We know your hearts are already here supporting us, and we are extremely grateful and are not discrediting that.

If 10 people donated 10 dollars a month, that is already $100. That is enough to cover our electric bill and maybe put a few dollars towards our phone(s).

We do not want to continue to rely on our credit cards. We would prefer to pay off all our debt and not have to use credit cards unless we are in an absolute emergency. Not because we need shampoo and toothpaste.

We are humbly saying: We need help.

If there is anything we can do better at sharing how to help, or being better at expressing our needs to you please let us know.

Now that I have stepped out of my comfort zone and been so bold to ask you so directly for help, I will also be so bold to give you the information of how to help. :) You can make monthly payments into our Missions Account with the University of the Nations/Youth With A Mission (YWAM):

By Card or PayPal:

If you would prefer to donate by check:
-Make check Payable to: UNKF
-Do not put ministry or missionary's name on check. Simply include a note with missionary's name: Tammy Tolaas and their missions number: 5140

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Holidays with HeartBridge


Romans 12:13
Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

Within our HeartBridge staff we have 6 singles who spent most of the Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's holiday season here in Kona away from family, therefore we as HeartBridge became like one big multi-cultural family and celebrated together as much as we could. (This was also Andreas and my first holiday season with only each other to celebrate with).

(we brought our sack dinner from campus and
hung out at a friends house playing games.)

A week before Christmas at the Norwegian Christmas party we hosted for
HeartBridge and Friends of HeartBridge
The "awkward" family photo at Christmas in front of the tree ;)

New Years
(with sparklers)

Norwegian Christmas card

We need supporters. Setup your regular donation: