Thursday, December 24, 2009

He is steadfast...(do I got that yet?)

Journal entry from Dec. 23

Psalm 59:17

¨O my strength...¨
-- God is his (David's) strength. Capitol ¨S¨pointing out divinity, strength for life is not something man can do on his own. David is and we are dependants. We have to choose to be dependents on God, because it's not such a forced action, yet it is O so beneficial!
(side note. being dependant is not always such a bad thing contrary to what a high percentage of media communicates.)

¨...I will sing praises to you, for you, O God, are my fortres...¨
-- Fortress. God was David's fortress. and can be ours. Is mine. I can run to God for absolute safety, uncomparable peace.

¨...the God who shows me STEADFAST LOVE.¨ (emphasis added)
O how sweet assured and promised love is! Especially in a generation that has mostly only witnessed weak and a small quantity of commitment. As a married woman...I gotta tell ya, assured and promised love is so much healthier when you look at your life as a whole!

He is the Righteous Judge...

This is a bit journal entry from Dec. 21

¨Mankind will say, 'Surely there is a reward for the righteous; surely there is a God who judges on earth.¨ Psalm 58:11

Occasionally it's difficult to see that me doing good or being good will pay off. That it has some kind of reward...yet I remember hope is really mine for the taking.

The ¨wicked¨have something to fear. The ¨sinful¨and the ¨wrongdoer¨. Which can sound quite awful at times, especially considering there is no human being, no- not even one, who is walking this earth who has not rightly held one of those titles: ¨wicked¨, ¨sinful¨, ¨wrongdoer¨ (Romans 3:23). Everyone has done moral wrong. However, even though the judgement, ¨it seems quite aweful at times¨ there is a hope that out shines any ¨awfulness¨. Any wrong (sin) we've commited or have been victim to: We can wallow, sulk, or even repeat (thus becoming a prisoner chained to the sin and it's gloomy guilt). OR --> we can seek and transform it to something to learn from, to actively turn away from (not to repeat). We can invite the greatest HOPE, being Jesus Christ, which in turn offers freedom from the sin and guilt, and you will no longer have to fear the judgement as a ¨wicked¨, ¨sinful¨, or ¨wrongdoer¨. Because God offers forgiveness for you to take, through Jesus Christ.

Romans 5:20
¨Now the law came in to increase the trespass...¨
(tammy's thoughts: there is right and wrong, and bad consequences for breaking that code by wrong-doing.)
¨...but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.¨
(tammy's thoughts: The hope!! --> through Christ if only we ask)

Can you believe it where our mistakes increase , God's grace abounds all the more! What an exciting relief we have the opportunity of.

Friday, December 18, 2009

What are all these pieces_ _ _

What is this blog all about? Over a year ago, in a program I was in we had what we referred to as 'Artistic Projects' due weekly. It was a way to process our thoughts and teachings for each week, the project would be due on Friday's. I feel that it did indeed help me process, also to keep me grounded. I'm hoping to use this blog similarly as 1. an outlet for weekly 'artistic projects'. Nothing too fancy and in all shapes, forms, and sizes. You'll see...hopefully.

I do not plan to limit the blog to only that. 2. Occasionally there should be quite random entries, or should I say things sorta 'to note'. A picture from what Andreas and I are doing. A video clip I found interesting. etc.

Also, inspired by King David and God, some psalms may turn up on here... Not necessarily from the Bible, but 3. Psalms of Tammy. Like in the previous entry.

There you have it people. Puzzle pieces of my life coming together in one spot, can you see the bigger picture?

Be inspired.

This week's project was to just get this blog up. I made the background print and sidebar print. The HTML coding is a little rough as I used a alternative website and tweeked some things to fit me better. Enjoy

Saturday, December 12, 2009

He mArks A PAth....

God are you here?
You are here.
God can you hear:
only but every word.
Annoyance you can only know
but so, very much more than [me]
Pain you have felt at deeper levels
levels my mind can only reach at, grasp at
One year? You feel it to the stretch of 
the beginning, 
the ending
of ages.  
You love deeper.
You live w/ large ABAndonment/freedom
Yet, Joy. 
from the pit-gut of your being
Cause I can imagine your laughter:
Echoing in every cavern of this world
that would only be the tip of it's resonating ring in my ears.
God I need your...
I need YOU.

quote for now: "But love is not some victory march, it's a cold and it's a broken 'hallelujah'."

(-imogen, 'hallelujah')

Music: Hallelujah by Imogen Heap 

Here it goes...