Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ode to Passion

To March.
To Parade.
To petition the passerby.
To Raise a Flag.
To Rise and stand.
To be unmoved by unsettlement.

Never give up to the upper hand.
Never give in to the inner hopelessness.
Never surrender to the easier road.

Rightfully standing for the One.

Let His gentle whisper that beckons your deepest being and passion become an awakening cry for all the peoples of the earth to hear.

Ode to Passion for our King we need to sing you louder.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Outstanding Students

Here are a few pics from our time during the program.
By checking out the link to our studio's webpage where you'll see our lovely faces representing the May 2011 Outstanding Student Award for BDC's Training Program.

This was a little "field trip" to Lincoln Center for a behind the scenes peak of: NYC BALLET COMPNAY at work! We were given a tour of the theater, heard random trivia about the company, and yes! watched an on-stage rehearsal.

Autumn Dones' piece "One Day" taking the stage at tech rehearsal for the big
Broadway Dance Center Showcase.

Stephanie Brooks' piece "Relentless" at M.O.V.E.:
a show with a cause (raising awareness for autism).

Us "Relentless" characters just after performing at Project Dance NY LIVE.

This here: a pic during the first month of the training program with
fellow program students...OH HOW TIME FLIES!
Please check out the link - honoring Andreas and my "good studentness" at BDC and see more: