Friday, February 26, 2010


I went to BOSU the yesterday and really enjoyed it. (feeling it today, esp in my legs) It's such a great way to work out using your own body weight and balance! I highly recommend it to others. It's something for all ages and both genders to try out. (Esp. great for dancers, just in one dancers opinion.)

The creater of the BOSU - David Weck - has a website, you can visit it here:

Besides BOSU, just get out there and move! Moving your body increases your endorphins which make you happier. Furthermore, movement/excericise: it's just plain good for you. I hardly ever really want to get up and move before-hand, but afterwards I feel much better! Get up and move! Even if it's simple and cheesy, like jazzersize (I'm not hating, I just think of the 80's) , go for it! Why not? ;)

Enjoy life ~

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Going or waiting...

Is Andreas a Green Card holder today? Read on...

Special thanks to my parents who have had to manage through the bulks of paperwork along with us these last 7 months! My mom is Andreas' sponsor - which means she is his financial proof-of-pass. I.E. telling the government that Andreas is not interested in U.S. welfare, but if worse came to worse and Andreas needed money that my mom could help him out. (This is standard for every applicant.)

As you know February 24th was Andreas interview (yesterday). He went to the interview and everything went well, except they said they were missing ONE PAPER from my mom. ONE PAPER: a letter. The lady did apologize that she had to be so picky in such a bureaucratic way. The embassy said everything else looked good, and is holding Andreas passport and papers. Once we turn in this ONE PAPER we should be good to go.

Keep praying, we are SO CLOSE. haha. SO CLOSE.

Sincere thanks for all your prayers and support.

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God." Psalm 20:7

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Breakdancing with ages 6-10

We had a high-energy krew this weekend, at a breakdance workshop. You can see for yourself:

Andreas and I were talking to the contact from the church who helped setup everything, we all agreed that this was a great and HEALTHY outlet for the boys. These boys came from a variety of backgrounds, but were overall eager to learn to break.

We hope that contacts that were made with the participants and the church will continue. And that God will rise up b-boy's for his name. :)

Friday, February 19, 2010


It has been a fun run at KICK Dansestudio here in Haugesund. Last night, Thursday the 18th, was our last class. I think it has given us a great opportunity for Andreas and I to learn how to work together when it comes to teaching dance classes. It's pushed both of us to pull out the creativity that God has given us on a weekly basis. It's been encouraging!

When you set out to do something, and accomplish that then it encourages you with a, "See. You did it. Now what else can we do?!" :) So go for it! If there's something you feel God is calling you to do, or something you just really have been wanting to do. Trying something, and atleast just making it through is MUCH more encouraging then never trying and always wondering.

Check out some videos from both Monday's and Thursday's class.

Monday warm-up with Andreas.

Monday warm-up continue with Andreas.

Monday choreography with Tammy. Flashback to the 80's ;)

Thursday warm-up with Andreas.

Thursday in 'the clump' at the opening of the dance. Choreography with Tammy. (they were a bit embarrassed that I was gonna film them.)

Thursday, they had just learned the final three 8-counts. Choreography with Tammy.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fighting the good fight in Oslo

What a great time!

We were invited to join this Christian festival "Winter Wakeup" by Ida, a friend from the ministry team Andreas was apart of a few years back. (Thanks Ida!) It was a festival put on by several different churches in Oslo. During the weekend, at each participating church different things were going on: concerts, seminars, worship, and dance! (yea-yea).

Andreas and I were part of a 1 hour dance show on Saturday evening, along with several other people/teams. Andreas did "Razor of Mine" - his contemporary, breakdance piece. Andreas and I together did "Rock Your Body" - the same we performed at the YWAM seminar last month. We also did break solo's along with a few other REALLY talented breakers from Norway. Other teams that danced were Urban Dancers out of one of the Oslo churches - 3 talented guy breakers and two great hiphop/pop ladies. ;) Three ladies that rocked the stage were also Bente, Beate, and Maria, doing a fantastic hiphop routine! One popper, who brought such crazy loads of creativity to the stage with intricate moves that were eye-mesmerizing. i forgetting anyone? It was all goooood, and great to see a variety of styles even within 'hiphop' genre.

The whole show I was back stage praying for the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of the Norwegian people there. That God would break any strongholds over the individuals there, such as lust, comparison, addiction, 'looking for the next high'. I was reminded if we're not doing 'this' (dancing, ministry, etc) for God, then what is there?? (i.e. it's not worth it) That we have GOT to do jus like what God called Paul to do, 'Run the good race' and 'fight the good fight' (2 Timothy 4:7). If we don't, who will?
