Friday, September 26, 2014

XCountry: week FIVE

XCountry: week FIVE

Story Time

As we drove through the deserts of this country, we listened to Mike Bickle sharing about the richness and abundance of the Lord. We were blessed, encouraged, and challenged by this particular story Mike shares in his series about Encountering Jesus during IHOPKC's history.

Here's the story:
"You know, I love to tell this story. I was about twenty-six to twenty-seven years old, and there was a woman who was in real need. She needed this huge amount—$550, but I think our salary was $2,000 or $3,000 a month. I mean it was pretty small; so for us $550 was a huge amount. We were making $2,000-$3,000 a month. I don’t really remember the exact amount, but I know she needed about $550. And I said, “I’ll give you the money,” even though we could not afford it.

So what happened was, a day or two later, I was at the church service on the front row. A guy came up to me. He put his arm around me as they were worshiping and said, “The Lord told me to give this to you.”

I said, “What?” He put this money in my pocket. I looked at it; it was exactly $550 dollars: not 540 exactly—$550.

I said, “Lord, this is so intense because if it would have been $570, I would have been disappointed.” It was exactly the right amount, and it was this wink from heaven.

So I was sitting there. I was so happy. I said, “You know that I know that You know that I know. Oh, this is so cool. Your eyes are on me.” It wasn’t the money; His eyes are watching.

So then we had a ministry time, and I went to pray for someone.
I said, “What is the deal?”
He said, “Oh, I am in crisis.”
I said, “What?”
He said, “It’s financial.”
I said, “What happened?”
He said, “Well, today I need $550, and there’s no way I can obtain it.”
I said, “Oh! I know how to do that. I know a way.” I put my hand in my pocket. I said, “Here
      it is.”
He said, “You have $550 in your pocket?”
I said, “Yes. Here.” It was the exact amount.
He asked, “It is rolled up exactly in the right amount? Do you package your money in

Well, I was back to minus $550. It was fun, though. When I was walking out the door, a guy came and stopped me.
He said, “Hi. Mike. I cannot believe you are still here. The Lord told me to give you money.
       Here it is — $550! I know that is a strange amount.”
I said, “Unbelievable.” I looked at Him [pointing to heaven] and I said, “Oh. I love you, but I love Him more.”

(listen to it, download it, or read the full script here:
He tells this story around minute 36)

In Summary:

If you missed any previous updates from XCountry you can see them here:
- XCountry: week ONE - Virginia to Tennessee - Blasted By His Faithfulness
- XCountry: week TWO - Kentucky to Michigan - Seek The Lord
- XCountry: week THREE - Missouri to Kansas - Who Knew!?
- XCountry: week FOUR - Kansas to Utah - Grace & Truth

XCountry: week FOUR


XCountry: week FOUR

Grace & Truth

We can't completely stand on the side of the river with our fingers in our ears stubbornly pretending like nothing is happening and ignore the hot topics being addressed today.  Yet we can't jump in any boat and float down the river with someone, just because that boat looked so comfortable and kind.

We were surprised and grateful when we found that Speaker and Radio Host Dr. Michael L. Brown would be teaching the last three days of our visit at IHOP (International House of Prayer).  Call us crazy, but we enjoy our fingers out of our ears and not just jumping in the "coziest" boat that comes along the river.  We like to hear the discussion, hear from "elders" (people who have gone before us or have done more in depth research then us), and most importantly hear from the Lord.

We were also very impressed by Dr. Michael Brown's raw commitment and proclamation to Biblical Truth, as well as his genuine care and compassion for people.  Sharing how there have been many a time he has listened to someone share their story and be in tears over their struggle.

The Hot Topics that Dr. Michael Brown spoke on:
- Cessationism or Charismania
- Should Christians Be Zionist?
- Debate: Monster God or Monster Man
- Hyper-Grace
- Can You Be Gay and a Christian?
- Mordechai Will Not Bow (challenge to the church)
- Write the Vision Down (challenge to the church)

Dr. Brown was sharing/reminding us how when Jesus came, he came with absolute Grace and absolute Truth.  His Grace does not compromise the fullness  of Truth, and his Truth is still operating out of His perfect Grace.  There is no compromise on the Word of the Lord while there is a heart of Love that should compel us.  We should be compelled to bring people into God's Truth, because when walking in a life of Truth by His Grace it is so freeing!  During his talk on "Can You Be Gay and A Christian?", I liked his quote when sharing about Grace & Truth, he said, "We must have hearts of compassion, yet backbones of steel."

If any of the above topics leap out to you - as they are all hot topics today - I would highly recommend listening to them on the website.  I would especially recommend: "Can You Be Gay and a Christian?" & "Mordecai Will Not Bow"

Listen free here:

Status Update:



We are so GRATEFUL for each person that made our 8 night stop at Kansas City International House of Prayer possible!  The number we felt to ask for with the Lord, we saw every dollar come in!  Thank you for partnering with us.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

XCountry: week THREE


XCountry: week THREE

Who knew?!

"Are you kidding me?"  I replied to Andreas during a conversation we had the day before we were suppose to make our short three hour drive to Kansas City.  Andreas had just told me, "Oh, tomorrow is Jacob's wedding." 

One of our stops we had hoped to make at the start of the trip was in South Carolina to visit a couple we had met in YWAM - Tom & Donna, but it wasn't going to work because they were out of town planning their son's wedding in Kansas City.  Their son - Jacob - had actually sent us an invitation to the wedding a few months ago, but a few months ago we thought on the wedding day we would already be settling in Los Angeles, unable to make it to the wedding.

It was a surprise to us and them that we indeed were not only going to make it to the wedding, but the ceremony and celebrations started at the exact time we were  planning on arriving into Kansas!  Coincidence?

On a following day as we visited with Tom & Donna, we started talking about, "So...Los Angeles?"  Guess what! Tom had lists of people who had recently moved to LA, and had the contact info to someone we should connect with when we arrive to LA!

I could share more little "coincidental" connections we've made since arriving here, but I think  the point is made!  Praise God for providing "coincidental" relationships and connections (or the fancy way of saying it: "Divine Appointments").

We remain excited and thankful for...

( Please join us in prayer for the above. )

Status Update:


We have truly been enjoying our time here at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City.  There have been very hardy-teachings on Intercession, Book of Revelation, Relationship based Intercession, etc.  There have been neat friendships and connections made, with others in the program.  And we're only half way through our week!  Thank you for participating with us and making it possible!


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