Friday, April 24, 2015

crawling, walking, running : abiding

You ask and do not receive because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.
james 4:3

Ask, and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened.

matthew 7:7

Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the son.

john 14:13

And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.

matthew 21:22

Abide in Him until His & your desires are one.  Until your thoughts are His & your plans are the ones He has written & drawn.  He is a Good Father, the Good Shepherd.  "You shall not bow down to [images] or serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous God,visiting the iniquity of the fathers to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments." (Exo. 20:5-6)
O, how He loves us and longs for us.  He is jealous over any desire that is not made in HIS HEART, any image that we follow other than the desires of our Good Father.  These are to be our heart's cry.  Crying out for everything of Him - His Kingdom come!  His is the only one that satisfies, every other desire makes us RESTLESS.  These are not the good gifts He longs to give us.  When we pursue His heart and REST in the hearing of His heartbeat - walking in step with that beat.  When these requests flow from our mouths out of the overflow of His heart, how He will pour out those desires and fulfill.  As our hearts mirror His, we can move freely, ask freely, love freely.  We can ask the rain to stop, to come.  The captive to be set free.  The healing of a broken one.  The law of man to have no hold, as we walk in the Law of Love of the High King. Crawling to walking to running in step with His heart, His commandments, because of our love for Him - how satisfying to the soul.

I want more of You, Jesus!  I want more of You, Jesus!  I want more of You, Jesus!


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Trip To NYC Cancelled

Trip to NYC


Unfortunately with the weekend for PDNYC fast approaching, only 30% towards the trip raised, and flights going up in price.  This years bi-annual trip to PDNYC is cancelled.  The money set aside will instead go our dance training here in LA or to a "work" trip (for YWAM) in the Fall.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Back From Norway


Stian & Mette!

We were so grateful to be at Andreas' Sister's wedding in his hometown: Haugesund, Norway.  Andreas went a week early to do a little work to pay off our trip, and I came a week later just in time for the wedding.  The wedding was of course beautiful!


project dance nyc

Current standings for Tammy's trip to Project Dance NYC.  I am 35% of the way there.  Just under the amount needed for an air ticket.

Remaining Costs:
Flight: $78
Project Dance Registration: $230
Food & Transportation: $190
Total: $498

latest video

HeartBridge ministry making waves with YWAM.  Are you making waves for Jesus in the nations?!  If you or someone you know needs to be in Missions, especially through the Arts please contact me for more info of how to do this with YWAM.

at the wedding

SO grateful we got to attend Mette's wedding and spend a little time with family and friends the week following the wedding.

Currently we are not sure when our next visit will be to Norway.  Hopefully it won't be like the other Christmas when it had been 2 years between visits!

After a week with Norwegian dancers from Hedmarktoppen, and a visit to Norway we are grateful for last month being a full Norwegian month.

For how to Donate to The2Lock's please contact Tammy personally or click on link below: Thanks :)