Saturday, January 7, 2012

We Need Support

YWAM Staff Support - Tammy Tolaas
Happy New Year!

New Year, New Resolutions?

This is a bit out of Andreas and my comfort zone but here it goes...

First of all, I would like to say you are getting this because Andreas and I have been blessed by your support through either prayer, financially, encouraging words, or all the above! We are grateful for the support you have shown us.

No sugar coating, just simply we want to extend this offer to you.

Will you make a new commitment with this new year to support our ministry with at least $10 a month.

You can buy a pizza, or give support to ministry.
You can buy two drinks at Starbucks, or give support to ministry.
You can buy a movie ticket, or give support to ministry.

Should you still do those other things...SURE! :) Maybe I'm being politically incorrect by being so direct but my heart is not to offend - I am asking you to sacrifice once a month to help us. We know your hearts are already here supporting us, and we are extremely grateful and are not discrediting that.

If 10 people donated 10 dollars a month, that is already $100. That is enough to cover our electric bill and maybe put a few dollars towards our phone(s).

We do not want to continue to rely on our credit cards. We would prefer to pay off all our debt and not have to use credit cards unless we are in an absolute emergency. Not because we need shampoo and toothpaste.

We are humbly saying: We need help.

If there is anything we can do better at sharing how to help, or being better at expressing our needs to you please let us know.

Now that I have stepped out of my comfort zone and been so bold to ask you so directly for help, I will also be so bold to give you the information of how to help. :) You can make monthly payments into our Missions Account with the University of the Nations/Youth With A Mission (YWAM):

By Card or PayPal:

If you would prefer to donate by check:
-Make check Payable to: UNKF
-Do not put ministry or missionary's name on check. Simply include a note with missionary's name: Tammy Tolaas and their missions number: 5140

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Holidays with HeartBridge


Romans 12:13
Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

Within our HeartBridge staff we have 6 singles who spent most of the Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's holiday season here in Kona away from family, therefore we as HeartBridge became like one big multi-cultural family and celebrated together as much as we could. (This was also Andreas and my first holiday season with only each other to celebrate with).

(we brought our sack dinner from campus and
hung out at a friends house playing games.)

A week before Christmas at the Norwegian Christmas party we hosted for
HeartBridge and Friends of HeartBridge
The "awkward" family photo at Christmas in front of the tree ;)

New Years
(with sparklers)

Norwegian Christmas card

We need supporters. Setup your regular donation: