Tuesday, June 29, 2010

He is insane! (*beyond what we can fathom)

(background: the past few weeks I've been reading over Joshua. I believe it's with significant purpose that I consistently am brought to this book...)

From the pages of my journal...
"O how great is Your might hand
that rests on the ones whom You
have called and chosen!
Your promises are steadfast, even beyond
our meager belief.
Your reign in the lives of those who
love (& keep your commands) is sovereign,
steadfast, and without waver.
The tides of our emotions & the world
around us, they come and they go.
But I will lean on YOU.
I won't relent.
Burn in me the fire to conquer, conquest
the: Promise Land, of this Joshua.
For You, 'the Lord my God is with me
where I go'."

(Music I'm listening to: Misty Edwards You Won't Relent
Christ Tomlin Not To Us)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

God is on your side

...our journey can continue! After two separate trips to NYC to find an apartment, we found one this past Wednesday!

The first week that we traveled to scout out the area and find an apartment, I felt like I got the words, "Good things come to those who wait." and "Time is on your side." Ok, God?
This week while apartment hunting we had on and off stress and waves of simply feeling overwhelmed by this huge leap of faith, to move to NY!? On top of that feeling like the real estate market is just crazy, especially in the summer!?!?! Ahhh....At one point we felt like "Ok, God is this you or was this just our 'good idea'??"

Our friend who opened up her apartment to us to stay for the SECOND week while we searched, has a prayer meeting/get together at her place each week. We met with them. When they took time to pray for us, one of them gave us the word "God has brought you guys to New York, this is not just your 'good idea'." Woohoo...we aren't totally kookoo.

Proof: we found a great apartment, just in the area we were looking for. We move on the 15th of June! Here we come NYC. God is always good, it's just us humans who become anxious and stressed over life.

Lesson: press into God more!!