Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Three Things Not To Forget

Three Things Not To Forget

Today I was reminded.  Reminded not only for the sake of being reminded, but also because these are all things that are absolutely vital for us right now here in L.A.  So as I prepared our newsletter today, I had an "inkling" that maybe you too could use the encouragement from these reminders.

The Vision of the Lord

In the past the Lord has spoken to me, nudged me to ask and intercede for certain things, people, places. He has nudged me in certain directions.  I believe this is true for all of us.  We all have felt that nudging, whether it has been a little "inkling" or more like an unmistakable billboard in yo' face!  He gives us vision, drive, and direction.  He is not a dictator forcing us into a certain direction, but He is a good Father who has good gifts in store for each of us - not forgetting that there will be difficulty and strengthening in the midst of those good gifts.   It is not something we have to beg Him for or try to create on our own strength.  Instead it is direction he has sewn into the fiber of our beings to be fulfilled by us.  It excites Him just as much as it excites us when we are in the wondrous stages of discovering the gifts and the mature stages of finding stride in our calling.  Don't forget the visions and the nudges He has pressed upon your heart in your past, because they were meant to fuel the journey of your future.

The Provision of the Lord

In 2005 I was just getting my bearings as an 18 year old "living on my own" as a full-time missionary in Kona, Hawaii.  I had staff fee's due each month that covered housing and food.  I had no source of income and my savings was spent on the missions training school before becoming a staff member.  Some months I would get donations, some months my awesome parents would help out their "independent" daughter.  (Keep in mind online banking in 2005 was a thing of the future.)  I will never forget one month I was clueless where my monthly support was coming from or how much money I had in the bank at that moment.  Regardless, I faithfully went to the ATM to pull out my staff fee that was due.  It was all there.  The exact amount I needed.  Maybe it was a mom-intervention that she never told me about...or maybe it was God.  Either way, in my mind, it was God.  Don't forget the moments of provision big or small!  In the midst of our changing circumstances and fluctuating needs, He is an unchanging God who will continue to be: Jehovah Jireh: Provider.

The Collaboration of the Lord

Ironically, I think that it was while I was a kid that I best understood this idea that there was a One True God who was/is a Master Creator, and this Master Creator wanted to create with little-o-me!  All those scribbles, out-of-the-line colorings, chalk all over my face, the road, a paper that resembled something...what?  No one knew, but it resembled something!  In my mind it was a master piece, and obviously one God would be framing on His wall.  In some ways I think "Man!  How naive or prideful or stupid or..."  But NO!  How amazing it is to have child like faith and know the truth, even if it is messy.  The truth that there is a Master Creator who we must have reverence for, but who extends to us an invitation to enter His Kingdom like a child and bring it/create it here on earth together with Him.

How can we color outside the lines here in L.A.? Co-creating with the Lord is a very real expedition for us, one that we need His vision and His provision for.  We are so excited for our move-in date: November 1st.  To move into our Work/Live apartment, a space in the middle of the Artsy area of L.A., a space we are saying "God, this space is Yours, do what you want."

Be encouraged! 

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