Wednesday, October 8, 2014

...A Time To Give Up.


...A Time to Give Up

We are three weeks away from needing to move into an apartment we actually, currently can't afford.  We have a car whose dashboard has been lit up like a Christmas tree since mid-trip across country.  We have no promise of jobs here in Los Angeles, and honestly feel under equipped for most work outside of missions/ministry.

To be very honest: every time we relocate it's as if I go through the same motions.  Dance One - is full of excitement, wonder-lust, and hope-filled.  Dance Two - is called the "Arrival": full of movement that communicates a searching, a looking, a hoping.  Then enters the Third Dance.  Which I would artistically call something like: "Faith Fettered".  It's the third dance that gives in and listens to all the doubts, "Did God really say...?"  "Maybe He has abandoned you..."  It's the time when I do the disservice to the Lord and I place all His clear words, faithfulness, the gifts and support of family and friends in a box marked: "Distant Past" (mentally I know this is not  truth, but the emotions can be tragically dissuasive).  I become so tempted to lock away the promises, the vision, the faith, and become ungrateful.  I'm reminded of the wise teacher who could have written endless books with instructions, including:
"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under the heavens:
...A time to search and a time to give up."
(Ecclesiastes 3)

Thankfully I'm stubborn.  No, really, I'm very stubborn when I set my mind to something.  Especially when I feel it's under the conviction of the Lord, I become quite stubborn to"Never give up, never surrender!!!".  (Ask my parents...ask my brother...ask my husband!)
Thankfully I serve a God who when I am faithless, He remains Faithful beause He cannot deny who He is. (2 Timothy 2:13)
Thankfully I am not alone. I have a husband - who regardless of my emotional and spiritual hills, he can be an anchor (and vice versa).
Thankfully I have supporters who not only give monthly to our journey, but supporters who have us on their weekly prayer lists!  And you! Who keep us close to your heart and thoughts by receiving this weekly update.
Thankfully we have a place to stay in the midst of the waters settling, with our friend Jordan who has been so generous in sharing his house, food, and support!
Thankfully we have parents who are prayer warriors and advocates for their crazy kids.
Thankfully we are learning deeper things of the Lord than we would ever learn apart from testing and trials.


A Handy Resource

When I did my Biblical Studies course with YWAM in 2006, we studied through Daniel but we didn't have a teaching on that book like we did the other books.  I was thankful this past week when I found a teaching series by Mike Bickle on the book of Daniel.  Click on the picture above to go to the teachings of Daniel for yourself, or go to for other various teachings from the International House of Prayer.

Andreas' 30th Birthday

On October 2nd, we had a quiet day of celebrating.  Met a friend for lunch, saw a movie and had dinner.  The highlight was Andreas nearly in tears because of the gift and thoughts from his friends and family in Norway who put money together to purchase him a new phone, as Andreas' phone is dying.  Not just any new phone, but an iPhone 6!  Thank you to my parents as well as our family and friends in Norway!

( Email me to find out how to give to The2Lock's! )

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