Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fighting the good fight in Oslo

What a great time!

We were invited to join this Christian festival "Winter Wakeup" by Ida, a friend from the ministry team Andreas was apart of a few years back. (Thanks Ida!) It was a festival put on by several different churches in Oslo. During the weekend, at each participating church different things were going on: concerts, seminars, worship, and dance! (yea-yea).

Andreas and I were part of a 1 hour dance show on Saturday evening, along with several other people/teams. Andreas did "Razor of Mine" - his contemporary, breakdance piece. Andreas and I together did "Rock Your Body" - the same we performed at the YWAM seminar last month. We also did break solo's along with a few other REALLY talented breakers from Norway. Other teams that danced were Urban Dancers out of one of the Oslo churches - 3 talented guy breakers and two great hiphop/pop ladies. ;) Three ladies that rocked the stage were also Bente, Beate, and Maria, doing a fantastic hiphop routine! One popper, who brought such crazy loads of creativity to the stage with intricate moves that were eye-mesmerizing. ...am i forgetting anyone? It was all goooood, and great to see a variety of styles even within 'hiphop' genre.

The whole show I was back stage praying for the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of the Norwegian people there. That God would break any strongholds over the individuals there, such as lust, comparison, addiction, 'looking for the next high'. I was reminded if we're not doing 'this' (dancing, ministry, etc) for God, then what is there?? (i.e. it's not worth it) That we have GOT to do jus like what God called Paul to do, 'Run the good race' and 'fight the good fight' (2 Timothy 4:7). If we don't, who will?


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