Friday, August 21, 2015

Project Dance San Francisco


Project Dance San Francisco

I did not make it to Project Dance NYC this past Spring, however even better Andreas and I both were able to attend Project Dance San Francisco this past weekend.  It was a sweet time! Check out the video below.

3 quick testimonies...

During the open air performances on Saturday, as usual with Project Dance, not only were our dancers ministering, but there were teams of people in the audience ministering.  Through out the day you'd see people praying together.  Earlier in the day Andreas met one man & asked if he could pray for him, the man kindly replied no.  However, after staying for several hours mesmerized by the dances he wanted prayer!  Art opens and softens the hearts of man!  Continue your prayers for this man & San Francisco!

After our open-air show Andreas and I went on a walk through the city.  We ended up at Union Square Park.  I was wearing a tank top that read "BASIC TRUTH".  A man who was with a few other people got my attention, "Excuse me, can I ask what your shirt means?"  I told him I believe truth is simple and basic.  One of the ladies with him asked "What's your favorite truth."  I'm not going to lie to you here...I was a little thrown back by such an amazing opportunity I quickly answered "Well, for me and my husband, as christians our favorite truth is Jesus - Jesus is truth."  People are asking and hungry for TRUTH!

"Coincidentally" at the same time our Project Dance event was having their open air show and ministry in Japan Town San Francisco.  There were teams of performers/dancers across the city in Oakland performing at a Praise Event in a park!  On top of that, we only found out about it because we "coincidentally" met them on Sunday while a group of us & a group of them just so happened to be doing some site-seeing at Fishermans Wharf.  Our groups just so happened to be dancing in the streets and couldn't help but notice each other - haha.  How "random"!  God is an amazing, grande orchestrater. 


video from project dance

Check out some quirky video footage from the weekend.

And no we didn't get to drive over the famous Golden Gate Bridge. :(  So the answer is "No", no it's not Golden Gate Bridge at the start of the video.

seeing old friends

turns out the weekend held not only some new friends from Hong Kong & California, but also included some old friends. AnnaLaura who we danced with in ADII (Ad Deum II) Houston, TX; as well as, Stephanie Brooks and Sarah who I danced with in Atmosphere in NYC!  

upcoming travel

Andreas will be in HOUSTON, TX for one week (August 22nd-29th).  Connecting with friends: Ad Deum, Connie & Oliver, and a few others he had ministered to while there; as well as, (random) going to the dentist.  The dentist he had while there made a mistake on his crown and they are going to fix it for free.

Please keep Andreas' travels in prayer.  Already there has been some opposition as his Norwegian Debit card number/access and money stolen.  He is having to fill out a police report, etc.  Finances are not our strong suit right now (Another point of prayer). 

What happens in 3 months?

(There also just so happened to be three prayer points in this email, can you find them?)

Vision Statement:

Lead by the wisdom of the Lord, we desire is to see the Kingdom of Heaven released and moving on earth in a radical, relevant, supernatural way, through the performing arts and through performing artists who choose excellence in their relationship with God and excellence in the skills God has given them.

Partner with us Financially:

Tax deductible:
Give online (tax deductible):

Tax deductible by Check:
UofN Donor Processing #256
75-5851 Kuakini Hwy
Kailua-Kona HI 96740-2199 USA
(please make the check out to UofN with an attached note that it is for Tammy Tolaas #5140)

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