Saturday, August 30, 2014

X-Country: WEEK ONE

X-Country: WEEK ONE

Blasted by His Faithfulness

Friends and family are not just people you have a relationship with they are the people who have impact on the fabric of who you are.  They are the ones you share your life with and they therefore share in the writing of your story.  Proverbs says to surround yourself with the wise and not the fool, because whoever you surround yourself with is who you will become like. (Proverbs 13:20)

This is the 6th big move in 5 years, each time I move what I miss the most is the people.  The question of will I ever see these people again, what will our connection be like from here on?  I am amazed by the Lord's gracious gifts to me: precious people He has placed in my life year after year, move after move.  The upward call - whatever your call is from Christ - calls us to leave things behind, even relationships and move forward to the next thing trusting Him to provide.  In that He promises to give us even more and multiply whatever we leave behind.  I can say from my own experiences, the goodbyes are never pleasant. 

And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life.  Matthew 19:29

This December 2014 will mark 10 years since the biggest move of my life, moving to Kona, Hawaii and joining full time missions.  Within that year I was saying goodbye to family and friends, and meeting people who I never knew could become just as precious to me.  I could give LISTS of people I cried over leaving, and lists of people who - without knowing it - stepped in and filled the gaps...and then I had to cry over them later too...and then more people stepped in to fill the gaps again!

The point of this sappy, emotion filled sharing is, it is not out of some cruelness of God that He moves you and calls you to give up things, but it is deeply rooted in His love. God is faithful to everyone of His promises - if he says He'll provide & multiply He means it - just keep being faithful to Him.

From the time we said our goodbyes to precious friends in Houston we went to see family/friends who we had no idea we were going to see so soon after our last visit to Norway.  Then reconnecting with friends and family in Virginia because of timing that worked out around a camp we were teaching at.  Then this trip across the country is just blowing my mind.  Seeing person after person that we haven't seen in years, and being provided for every step of the way.  I feel blasted by the faithfulness and love of Christ.  HE IS REAL!  His LOVE and FAITHFULNESS ARE REAL!  and I am blasted.  Thank you Lord!

To see and read more of the HIGHLIGHTS from North Carolina, Smoky Mountains, and Music've gotta message me and get on my mailing list!  :)

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