Monday, August 30, 2010

fearless leaders rise up

II Timothy:

6For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 7For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

8So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God, 9who has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace.

ITimothy 4:

14Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you.

15Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. 16Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

Often time music speaks to me, not just he music...but I truly believe God likes to use music to speak to me. Because I get it. As an artist it's one of my languages. (Of course, it's not just artists, but most people can relate to music easily.) Has God spoken to you through music...? Listen harder... ;)

Tonight I was listening to Natasha Bedingfield's Wild Horses, here's a youtube w/ lyrics:

Now I believe this song correlates very closely to God's call on our life when it comes to following Him. Think about what Christ asked the disciples to do: "Follow me." Even telling one man, to "let the dead bury the dead". He told them leave everything you know, as Natasha sings "Throw caution into the wind..."

Also look at what is spoken to Timothy through Paul. Devote yourself wholly: fully, completely. To not be afraid. Not be lead by the spirit of timidity but by the spirit of God: power, love, self discipline. Like Natasha sings "If only that someone was me, jumping head first, head-long, without a thought."

RECKLESSLY pursuing the calling Christ has placed over your life.

How often do we - as humans - not do what we feel God is calling us to out of fear. Not obeying God or holding back out of fear is just the same as neglecting the gift. Just the same as not being diligent in the things of God. Just the same as holding back and not giving yourself wholly to Him.

We when we operate in fear and neglect our calling through Christ, we end up in a place, that Natasha is talking about: "Is this my life I'm wondering, it happened so fast how do I turn this thing around. Is this the bed I chose to make, there's greener pastures I'm thinking about, wide open spaces far away..." We end up in a place that is much worse, than facing our fears.

WHY? Why drive yourself to that point. I've done it. I've gotten into my comfort zone, every day I get into my comfort zone and my routine. I remember on my outreach to Vanuatu I walked up to a random lady in the street and said "Hi, my name is Tammy. I feel like God wants me to pray with you, would you mind?", if I saw a lady in the street I felt God wanted me to pray for I'd probably run the other way, and pretend like I didn't see her!

I think one thing that helps me to step a bit out of this worldly fear, is a bit of what Paul mentions...he says don't neglect your gift. He says "not because anything we've done but because of His own purpose and grace." It's a gift, it's His own purpose, it's His grace. It's not about us, therefore what do we have to fear.

If I'm out with a friend and she wants to ask somebody something, there's something that rises up in me. If she's too shy to ask, a boldness rises up in me on her behalf, because she is my friend I want to help her out. I can easily ask something of someone on her behalf without fear, because it's not about ME and it's about helping my friend. I think in life, daily, we need to remind ourselves of that. It's not about ME, it's about God. What does He need done in His Kingdom today? To act, to ask, to operate on HIS behalf, and live life in that manner, I believe that can lift an enormous weight of fear which so easily hinders us. It's not about us. We need to RECKLESSLY abandon life for our own sake, and live for Him.

I believe we need leaders to rise up like the disciples, dropping everything: their livelihood, work, family, land, EVERYTHING. We need leaders like Timothy, who let go of the fears of this world/culture and stepped out into the place God was calling him. They understood it. It wasn't about them.

Any "elders" out there, lay hands on the coming generation. Lay your hands on them and pray that God would increase the call, increase the gift. That there would not be a spirit of fear that entraps, but the Spirit of God that brings reckless freedom in His Kingdom.

I leave you with Natasha's words:


Rise up fearless leaders!

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