Friday, January 15, 2010

Rock Your Body

*Creative Project* (for Dec. 28-Jan. 4)

Andreas and I put together some choreography with an editted version of 'Rock Your Body' by the B.E.P. in hopes to encourage the body of Christ to step out of routine...

Photography graciously provided by a member of Reboot: Kristianne

^ Starting out a bit tired of the mundane, schedule and routine we allow ourselves to slip into...

^ Then we begin to get a bit loser by tuning in to the Holy Spirit.

^ Andreas leads off with some freestyle and amazing break as usual.

^ I quickly join in with some rockin' freestyle that gets the audience in an uproar. ;)

^ We flip, we dance, we step in sink...

^ How can you step out of your normal 'routine' and press into what God has for you TODAY?

^ Even if when it puts you in some awkward's much more releiving to move with the power of the Holy Spirit than your own strife.


  1. I like the dance moves! I was looking into kandeejohnson's blog and came across yours. Its very unique, and I like the positive message :)

  2. Thanks for the encouragement. ;) and yay for a fellow Kandee fan.
